26 February 2009

RBOC: sleep edition

--> I always sleep really well the first night with fresh sheets. So why don't I put on fresh sheets every night?

--> I envy people who get intense joy out of sleep. Some of them even dream about sleeping while they are sleeping.

--> My favorite thing about sleeping with someone else is waking up to shared warmth and recharged energy.

--> Waking up always includes a little epiphany of wonder: wow, I made it to a new day.

--> "Transatlanticism" by Death Cab for Cutie is a great song to fall asleep to.

--> The iPhone is the best alarm clock.

--> Nothing is more irritating than being woken up an hour early (usually by the noise of dogs or sanitation workers).

--> I've always thought there is something deeply wrong about having to get up when it is still dark outside.

16 February 2009