29 January 2009

turns out this is a gym

Otherwise, it seemed a little bold to mark it this way. And it still seems strange to market it this way.

28 January 2009

26 January 2009

24 January 2009

final session

I had the final main session today. This was taken at the studio right before the bandage was put on.

Skatepark of Tampa

03 January 2009

the history of all hitherto existing warfare is the history of déclassé warfare

for effort (including a set of resolutions for the new year and beyond)

I usually resolve to make no resolutions, so this year, instead, I resolve to do the following:

1. To swear more, and to do it better--with drollery, repartee, and aplomb.
2. To be naked more often.
3. To be as good of a guest as I am a host.
4. To realize that it's not always about me.
5. To eat out more often.
6. To sing, laugh, dance, make art, and write--joyfully and without being self-conscious.
7. To move.
8. To chill.

02 January 2009


Saw this bird this morning sitting on the no dumping sign with its head all backwards.