I'm going to pretend that my crooked shot is crooked on purpose, an compositional choice made to exaggerate a sense of ramshackleness. I've long been fascinated, in our age of big and more, with with small houses, especially those less than 800 square feet (or this one, which I think is less than 600 square feet).
I kind of like small houses too, but that place looks sooo tiny.
Some of the new prefab houses that are being touted as really environmentally friendly are 350 sqft or less. In that case, you really might as well live in an apartment since overall it's going to be a lot less material used to house more people.
My thoughts, exactly, Ianqui. Plus apartment buildings have to be more energy efficient with heating when compared to stand alone dwellings (at least older houses). I remember seeing something about prefab modular housing, where you can plop two or three stories together, move walls around, and do cool stuff like that.
That fence in front is what makes the picture for me.
I did a little research on this house and found that it has only 388 square feet of heated space (and somewhere around 500 total square feet). It was built in 1910.
That's an amazing little house.
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